Drive-In Movie Night at Charlotte Motor Speedway
Enjoy a family friendly Drive-In Movie Night at Charlotte Motor Speedway while supporting the recovery programs at Charlotte Rescue Mission. This will be a fun, old-fashioned movie night for the whole family to enjoy while social distancing.
“Despicable Me” – Saturday, June 5, 2020 – 7:15 pm (Gates open at 6:00 pm)
“Despicable Me” –
“Soul Surfer” – Sunday, June 6, 2020 – 7:15 pm (Gates open at 6:00 pm)
“Sould Surfer” –
– For everyone’s safety, we will be limiting interaction between you and the staff at Charlotte Rescue Mission and Charlotte Motor Speedway as much as possible. The only interaction will be briefly at check-in and you will remain in your vehicle.
– The staff at Charlotte Rescue Mission and Charlotte Motor Speedway will be practicing all health and safety guidelines that are being recommended at the time of the event.
– Of the registration price, $70 is a tax deductible donation to Charlotte Rescue Mission. Any additional donation to Charlotte Rescue Mission is 100% tax deductible.
– A monitored restroom will be available.
– RVs and campers are not allowed.
– Convertibles, food, and coolers are allowed.
– Sitting in lawn chairs outside of your vehicle is not allowed, but sitting in your own truck bed or on your own tailgate is allowed.